General Methods to Improve Sleep Disorders and Introduction to 経絡(Meridian) Head Care

In our modern society, the number of people dealing with sleep disorders is increasing. These can have a significant impact on our health, but there are some general methods of improvement that can be easily incorporated into our lives.

First is “deep breathing”. Try consciously doing deep breathing in your daily life, which can lead to a pleasant sense of fatigue and make it easier to fall asleep.

Next, “moderate exercise” is also important. Appropriately exhausting your physical strength promotes good sleep. However, avoid doing this a few hours before bedtime. This is because the increase and subsequent decrease in body temperature due to exercise promote sleep.

In addition, “avoiding the intake of caffeine” is also effective. Caffeine, which has a stimulating effect, is contained in coffee and tea.

If your sleep disorder does not improve even after these, we recommend you to try a step ahead with “Meridian Head Care”.

Meridian Head Care is a treatment method that focuses on stretching the meridians of the head, promoting physical and mental relaxation, and improving the quality of sleep. This method is recommended for those who wish to improve their own or their family’s sleeping environment.

If you are interested, check out the following sites 

Japanese Head Massage — Help your clients sleep!
Japanese Head Massage — Help your clients sleep!Learn the 2,500-year-old Japanese Head Massage technique that will put your clients in a state of total relaxation.

Meridian Head Care will support your healthy sleep and the first step to a beautiful tomorrow.

Mitsutoshi Tanigucchi



